Sunday, January 23, 2011


“It is the tasks connected with the home that are the fundamental tasks of humanity. . . . If the mother does not do her duty, there will either be no next generation, or a next generation that is worse than none at all.”—Theodore Roosevelt, 26th president of the United States.

Mothers enjoy precious moments that they would not trade for the world. Mothers may sacrifice free time and much of their social life to make sure that their children are well cared for.
Mothers all over the world are successfully protecting and educating their children in spite of many challenges. Are their efforts truly appreciated?

The reason for this poem is to say thank you to my mother who gave me everything needed when I had nothing. Also this poem is for all persons to look at their mothers and determine what kind of person she was to you.

I hope you enjoy the poem & the video of a 16 year old that wanted to thank her mom in a special way. Perhaps you, whatever your age, can thank your mom for the SPECIAL care she gave to you.



The human family was made like no other, and within the family, attributes, qualities are given to a special one called a mother.
In history, mothers did not have much worth, but a closer examination will reveal that mothers were wrongly cursed.
All humans are capable of being wise and smart, but a special mother can do more and is able to love, cherish, guide, deep from her heart.
Fathers and children can love and care for one another, but none can wear so many different hats like, a special mother.
All women who gave birth to children can be titled a mother, but all women who gave birth to children cannot be titled a special mother.

Such a woman is very rare, precious, hard to find, although she is imperfect, she behaves angelic, yes divine.
She is a single parent who provided completely for her young, and her children are happy and proud to be called hers sons (little ones).
She gave her children all the tools that they need, look at her children, and you will say, “they were taught well indeed.”
She may not have completed all things in life to acquire the necessary tools, but by her wisdom and respect, by her intelligence and reverence, you see that she is by far no fool.


Although her family was poor, her children never saw poverty; they lived like they won a free lottery.
She made sure all her children were fed, but she sometimes goes hungry when she went to bed.
If you asked her for money because you were in need, she did not hesitate to do a good deed.
Her wallet was always empty, but every time she picked it up there was plenty.

If you gave her a ride to any place, she was not satisfied until you took the money she held in your face.
If you were sick and could not care for things, she would cook and clean while she sings


“How much is that doggie in the window, the one with the waggerty tail”
“How much is that doggie in the window, I do hope that doggy is for sale”

This special mother not only cared above and beyond for her family, but all who crossed her path were touched by her humanity.

Such a special mother throughout her life did not ever change, even when faced with misery and pain.
You always seen her happy, never sad, even when the worst of things happens in life to make most very upset, hurt and mad.
Such a special mother as this deserves the highest commendation, and heartfelt expressions of so much admiration.
The things you know and have seen from her, assures you that the values of having this special mother, are too rare and priceless to let go.
What made this woman successful as a special mother? She trusted completely, totally, and finally in her God and no other. 

Composed by Chester Randolph Sr
December 10, 2010

Friday, January 21, 2011


IF PRESENT trends continue, fatherless families will soon be the norm. A report by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services claims: “Children raised by a single parent tend to receive lower grades, have more behavior problems, and have higher rates of chronic health and psychiatric disorders. . . . Being raised in a single-mother family is associated with elevated risks of teenage childbearing, high school dropout, [and] incarceration.”
Little wonder, then, that social scientists, family counselors, educators, and even politicians desperately seek ways to halt this devastating trend.

This video shows what happens when the chain is not broken. Fathers are needed in their family. DO YOU AGREE? CAN YOU RELATE TO THIS SONG AND THE POEM BELOW?


Fathers! Not In Their Child Life
Many, many problems happen in a child’s life
Father’s absence (generally) brings much of the pain and strife.
Far more than material things, to ones children, the love, time, attention, given to them
You Fathers who have children, how often do you show
How often, do you tell them, you are very proud of them?

Some fathers never spend precious time with their little ones, giving them the tools for everyday life
Performance in school is poor, your children never see their dad at the school door.
Children enjoy attention from their mom, but need mental and emotional support from Dad
When fathers do not show their children they are proud of them, oh how sad.

To be a fly on the wall, seeing you lay next to momma to conceive me
To hear you say with strong conviction, you will care for thee.
But to spend time, care, love, and discipline you did not do
How often, how often did you show your children you were proud of them too?

Your God given responsibility as a man is to be in the life of your children, from their start
So that they grow up enjoying making right decisions, with a good heart.
Within you fathers, you have the tools that only you can teach
Because your children enjoy walking in your shadows, so they can reap.

Many things are hard to do in life, fathers being there for your children, all the days of their life
Some mothers refuse to let fathers meet the needs of their children, perhaps a bad wife?
But you fathers and mothers remember, Devastation and pain have long lasting consequences in your child life
Hurry to your senses, children need to be shown that their fathers are proud of them in their life.

But fathers of today are not completely to blame, because their fathers and fathers, fathers never broke the chain.
So fathers of today carry much shame, continuing to play the same game.
It’s all so sad to see that our fathers who were children too, never were free
Many of our children of today have given up, because of past fathers who allowed their own self to get messed up.

Fathers, you are your children role model, your children hear your words, but they imitate your actions
How often do you show that you are proud of them with much satisfaction?
They will listen more to what you are, than what you say
Do you want your children to be successful spiritually, mentally, and emotionally?
How often, oh how often, do you show you are proud of them, so they can be, truly free.

Written by
Chester Randolph Sr
August 8, 2010

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Random Act Of Kindness

As you enjoy this video about a random acts of kindness, can you send to us ways that we can demonstrate kindness to people we don't know? WE WANT TO COLLECT 365 ACTS OF KINDNESS, CAN YOU INDIVIDUALLY SEND ME 5 ACTS OF KINDNESS -

The Reason For This Poem

“Today we get the feeling that we are living . . . in the middle of a tornado, an unparalleled catastrophe.”—“La Repubblica” newspaper, Rome, Italy.

After the attack on New York and, in Washington DC, more people are not sure about the future of humanity.

THE news these days is hardly comforting. One person wrote: “Current events are so grim that we often can’t decide whether or not we dare watch the six o’clock news.” The world is filled with war, acts of terror, suffering, crime, and disease—evils that may soon affect us directly if they have not already.

This poem shows how some feel about humanity - Do You Feel Similiar?

What Has Happened To Humanity?


We live in a world where love, trust, respect, and unselfishness has disappeared from humanity,
And we wonder why there is so much hatred, suicide, and insanity.
It’s not how life was meant to be, just look back 30 years or so and you will see,
We have lost the most importance qualities to live together and be truly free.

The human family has become slaves to an element that is bent on our destruction,
We choose to not follow that which is full of life persevering instruction.
It starts with the family unit yellow, black or white, which today are pitiful sites.
Such families refuse to know the direction in which to go.

People say, “Times have changed from the way life use to be”,
Time is still the same, but the people have changed, which changes have brought much misery.
Man tries to ensure that future generation will be better for our children and grand children, they enforce,
But the reality is that man is headed on a collision course.

Our children live for the moment, because their future seem bleak,
They do many bad things, knowing they have only death to meet.
Our children are crying for help, this we all know,
Look at your children they are not like the children of 30, 40 or 50 years ago.

Ozone, armaments, energy and pollution, it is so important that humanity finds a solution.
World leaders always say, “For our children to have a future, we must act today”,
But humanity is so stubborn he chooses to delay, until another day.
There is a solution to preserving humanity, but it requires all the nations, yes families to act with true sanity.

Is it any wonder when you watch the news, all you see and hear is bad news.
Families are fighting each other; races are seeking ways to destroy one another.
The human family is headed for destruction; pride will not let us accept perfect instruction.
When an animal is extinct, this means he no longer exist,
Humanity is heading in this direction, humanity alone can’t stop this.

Written and copyright
Chester Randolph Sr.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Security Tip For Busy Women

Typically, when we are going from point A to B, our minds are focused on what we need to do and where we need to go. How many of you women have your bag and or purse on the front seat or the floor board with you, especially when you know you have to stop for gas or drive thru? Remember that you are being watched, not trying to scare you but, you are being watched.

For example: When you go to get gas and you stop and cut the car off. In most cars the doors will unlock, and with some people you have to manually lock the doors or, push the button that will lock and unlock doors. While you are pumping gas someone is looking to see if your door is open, in order to remove your bag.
We are a fast paced society and, you may not remember going from one traffic light to the other. The tip is to slow down mentally so that we can be aware of our surroundings because you are being watched. Someone may be asking you a question while another try to get in your car .

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Reason For This Poem

Lesley Jane Nonkin says that virginity to many youths is "like baby teeth" something you lose before graduation.

One reason many today are looking to sex is because they want to be loved by someone and, they want to give love.

Sadly, so many families lead busy lives with little, or no time for each other. The results? Children and some adults, will see sexual activity as the ultimate step toward intimacy, the proof of being loved and valued.

This poem shows what youths are doing, with sad consequences.

The Reality About Sex - It's Not As Many Think

The Reality About Sex

Many have tried to enjoy sex because they feel it is their right,
Something they can do anytime of the day or night.
Others feel that they can have sex because it feels good,
Yet, the results of having sex leaves so many mentally misunderstood.

So many, love the way that sex feels they cannot stop,
Even when knowing the danger they continue to hop.
With no regard for the end result of engaging in different sex acts,
Many, so many go through life with sexual urges, looking for someone that will make contact.

One of the Kardashian sisters was talked into having sex as a teenager to please the man,
How sad for her, she quickly realized that he and any others were just a scam.
Many regret losing their virginity at a young age,
Because they have been robbed and used, they go through life not understanding, their rage.

How sad it is when someone takes your virginity away from you,
They don’t care that you now may look like a fool.
You go back to the boyfriend and say, “I just had your baby, and it’s a boy.”
Your boyfriend doesn’t care because he only used you as a toy.

Girls and boys who are very young don’t know their bodies, so they get talked into having sex,
Sometimes they have a child or two and realize that now their life is one big wreck.
You look at the children you have to raise alone and, you realize that what you did was not right,
You alone must bring up the children right but, now it’s a struggle, it’s a fight.

Sex was not meant to be engaged in irresponsibly
Whether you realize it or not, engaging in sex when you are not ready, there is a high fee
Sometimes it comes in the form of disease
Oh! How you wish you could turn back the hands of time, PLEASE!

But how do persons feel who stay a virgin until they marry?
They feel like the most expensive diamond in the world, pure, beautiful and rare,
The man or woman who acquires such a virgin, holds them and cherish them with delicate care.
Even if you are not a virgin, but you feel that sex is sacred for husband and wife then, you are a diamond, YES EXTRAORDINAIRE.

Why Do Geese Fly In V Formation - What Can We Learn Individually?

There is no creation on earth or in the universe (as we know it) that which is more unique than the human family. WE ARE A BEAUTIFUL RACE OF HUMAN BEING, MADE WITH SO MANY BEAUTIFUL COLORS.

We do come to the aid of one another during some kind of disaster, some problem beyond the control of a group or individual, We Are To Be Commended For This! 

But as unique as we all are, with the capacity to LOVE, to be GENEROUS, to WORK TOGETHER and, to HELP ONE ANOTHER, we must end up as a human family not admiring our own human race but admiring the many animal species, why? Because among the many different animals, you will see powerful displays of instinct wisdom, that is performed day after day, week after week, month after month and, year after year that, makes many of us humans part of a SAD race.

Enjoy the lessons: Thanks to Michael Pacitti for the video

Friday, January 7, 2011

Life Is Like Coffee - Do YOU Agree?




Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Reason for the Poem:

Would you like to be in a family in which everyone showed concern for the feelings and welfare of others?
Do you think that these positive actions are to much to hope for?
This poem was composed because although we like the positive actions, many family members continue to show selfish, cruel, unfeeling and self-centered actions toward one another. This poem encourages each of us to look in the mirror of change and see if we need to make adjustments on how we individually treat our family .


Appreciating All In The Family

When you awake each morning, does seeing your family happily get you going? 
Regardless of the race of our family tree, we all have the responsibility to treat each family member with dignity.
Do you daily show appreciation for your family, or do you verbally and physically cause your family pain and misery?Look at the many families of humanity, and you will see fathers, mothers and children bordering insanity
Fathers you have the responsibility, to show first appreciation for the family
As the head of the house, do you put the interest of your wife and children ahead of your own life?Or are you more concerned with your own selfish desires, not standing up to what is required
The family is in confusion; this is why so many families are not a happy union

Women make excuses for their meanness each day; they always say, “We can’t help it we were made this way.”
This is an excuse, because it is easier to be uncaring and unkind, to be of no good use
Your children come home wanting to tell you about their day, but all you can say is “leave me alone and go play”
Do you (each day) speak the right words to your family as a mother, this allowing the family to feel a true mother’s protective cover?

Do you children feel that your family is first in your life, or do you enjoy adding to the pain, trouble and strife?
It’s not weak to speak kind words daily to your folks, even if many of your friends think it’s a joke
When was the last time you hugged your mom and dad very tight, or do you think that such actions are not right?
Spending quality time with your family doesn’t make you square, no, it allows others to see that you truly care.

Family members blame emotional, mental, physical, and material problems for their family quarrels, and some of this may be true
But to keep families from being distant, they need love, appreciation, encouragement and your assistance
Your home should be one of peace, allowing all to speak freely, emotionally
There should be no room for pain, anger, quarreling and fights, even if you think you are right

There is an element that exist today, it is bent on destroying (family) which was meant to stay
If you don’t believe, you, examine the family and you will see that which lost its dignity
In the most popular book given to man, there are instructions written by Gods own hand
If these instructions are followed by all, see! A HAPPY FAMILY

Written by
Chester Randolph Sr
Copyright August 8, 2010

Security tip: family safety

When you are traveling home from work (and perhaps to work) choose a different route of travel and, make sure your cell phone has a complete charge.
Discuss with family the different routes and which route you will take on a given day or week.

This is important for a number of reasons but two we will mentioned today.
1) If your family knows your route and something happens to you then, they will have a good starting point and, perhaps will be able to talk to someone who has seen you (in case you were in an accident or worse).
2) By selecting different routes, you will be able to discourage those from following you, so that such a person may not see where you live (especially if you live alone).

We get so caught up in the day to day things, we forget sometimes about our own safety and who may be out there to do us harm.


True Short Story: An Act of Love

Could you take a child that was not yours and raise it? Could you take a child not yours that is HIV - Positive and raise it with the same love you have for your own children?

Andrea Willis is such a woman. She was 43 years old with four natural children and, a husband.

She asked for a baby from a young woman who was going to throw the baby in the trash. The young woman agreed to give up the baby to Andrea. The child named Arianne was loved by all in the family. Arianne got sick and was taken to the hospital where, they found that she was HIV - Positive. However, Andrea would not give up her little girl.  Andrea had to quit work to care for her. Later the husband lost his job and, this made it difficult to care for Arianne and her special needs.
Arianne has done well in school and, the family is surviving despite the difficult times that they have.
What an act of love demonstrated not just by Andrea but, all her family, willing to make a sacrifice for a person not related to them. However, you can be sure that the family was and are being rewarded in  ways we cannot possibly know.
The next time you are around people maybe, you can demonstrate an act of love by, just saying hello from the heart. Story by : Patricia Watson    Edited by Chester Randolph Sr.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Reason for the Poem:

Fathers are abandoning their families in increasing numbers. USA Today called the United States "the world leader in families without fathers." All over the world this problem is growing. Is your father in your life? If the answer is no, how do you feel about that?

This poem was composed to show that making children is easy, making a good dad or father is not.
This poem gives fathers and mothers something to think about so that this chain can be broken...see if you agree.