Friday, July 22, 2011



Our children go to school, in order to learn and receive the right tools.
The environment is to be one of advancement, a place for enhancement.
Many children don’t want to go to school, they are treated by bullys so cruel .
They are mistreated in school, many a bully think that they are so cool.

Our youths become damaged; parents cannot understand why the children cannot be managed,
Our children come under severe stress, they have no idea how to stop this mess.
The stress is created not only by what actually happens, but the fear of what might happen.
Bullying is a global, especially among school-age children this problem is worldwide, is it any wonder why a number of youths commit suicide.

School should be a place for our children to thrive, not a place that they have to fight to stay alive.
The teachers do the best that they can, but to protect our children, parents must take matters in their own hand.
Parents may have to go to school, and visualize these one that act so cool in treating their child like a fool.
Parents may have to use the law to protect your child, to make sure your child is not the one that committed suicide.

Parents! When you don’t delay and make sure your child is protected from day to day, they can enjoy learning everyday.
Bullying should be a serious crime, making such a person do time.
Why? because bullying has one trait, to hurt and humiliate,
The bully makes you live in fear, this is why you do anything, everything to stay clear.

Bullying!The first lady and her husband address, the news media says, it's a mess.
Bullying makes our children live in fear, as they go to school and think about their career.
Many children are taught to be decent and good, school should be an environment for them to be understood.
If bullying is allowed to affect our youth,  they may not be able to cope with the abuse.
If you examine workplace violence, you will see that the now adult (Bully) was never silenced.

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